Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can I stake LEOX without Nebula?
No, you must have a Nebula NFT staked in order to stake LEOX tokens.
Can I only stake Nebulas and earn rewards?
Yes, you can stake Nebula NFTs on their own, and your rewards will be based on the points calculated from your staked Nebulas.
Can I add more LEOX after the initial staking?
Yes, you can add more LEOX tokens to an already staked Nebula without changing the staking period. This will increase the points associated with that Nebula NFT.
What happens to my NFT when I stake it?
When you stake your Nebula, a placeholder StakedNebula Soul Bound Token (SBT) is minted and placed in your wallet.
Upon unstaking, the StakedNebula SBT is burned, and your original Nebula NFT is returned to your wallet.
The StakedNebula SBT is transfer-locked, meaning it cannot be sold or traded.
How do I unstake my Nebulas?
Nebulas cannot be unstaked during the locking period.
All LEOX tokens staked against a Nebula will be automatically unstaked as u unstake the Nebula.
Is there a limit for staking LEOX?
Yes, the amount of LEOX you can stake is limited by the status of your Nebula NFT. Each Nebula has a maximum amount of LEOX that can be staked against it.
If I stake a Nebula for 3 months and then extend the staking period for an additional 3 months, will I receive the 6-month staking boost?
No, extending the staking period beyond the initial 3 months will not retroactively qualify you for the 6-month boost. If you continue staking beyond the initial 3-month period, you will only receive the boost for the 3-month period.
To receive the 6-month staking boost, you need to initially lock the Nebula for a full 6 months. If you want to benefit from the 6-month boost, you must unstake your Nebula after 3 months and then restake it for a new 6-month period.
Is the daily emission rate updated automatically based on the number of citizens staked, or is it manually set?
The daily emission rate is manually set by the team periodically. This adjustment is based on current market conditions, the total number of Nebulas and LEOX participating in the pool, and the profits within the Galileo ecosystem.
Last updated