StakedNebula: Soul Bound Token

What is the StakedNebula Token?

The StakedNebula token is a Soul Bound Token (SBT) awarded to users when they stake their Nebula Odyssey NFT on the Galileo Staking Platform. A Soul Bound Token is a non-transferable, permanent token that represents an individual's achievement or status within a blockchain ecosystem.

The StakedNebula SBT serves as proof that a user's Nebula NFT is currently locked in the staking contract. It cannot be transferred, sold, or traded, ensuring that the ownership and staking status remain immutable while the NFT is staked. Once the staking period ends and the Nebula NFT is unstaked, the StakedNebula token is burned.

Key Features of StakedNebula Token:

  1. Non-Transferable: The StakedNebula token is bound to the user's wallet and cannot be transferred to others.

  2. Proof of Staking: It acts as a certificate that the user's Nebula NFT is actively staked within the platform.

  3. Access to Benefits: While the Nebula NFT is staked, users can claim and enjoy all associated benefits by using the StakedNebula token.

  4. Burnable: Upon unstaking the Nebula NFT, the StakedNebula token is automatically burned, indicating that the NFT is no longer staked.

  5. Non-Fungible: Each StakedNebula token is tied to a specific Nebula NFT, reflecting its status, attributes, and staking position in the platform.

The StakedNebula token not only enhances transparency and trust within the ecosystem but also serves as the gateway for users to unlock the full range of rewards and privileges associated with their Nebula NFTs. It ensures that stakers can verify their staking status and enjoy all the benefits of the Galileo Protocol while maintaining the integrity of their assets.

Last updated