Creation and Management of PNFTs on Our Platform

Before proceeding with a product sale, Sellers must familiarize themselves with our processes and the legal obligations associated with creating a PNFT.

pNFT Creation

To list a product for sale, the seller must create a PNFT on our platform. This process involves entering detailed information such as:

  • Product Name: A clear and concise identification of the product.

  • Description: Specifics that highlight the product.

  • Listing Price: The amount at which the product is offered for sale.

  • Media: Images, videos, or any other visual support that accurately represents the product.

  • Proofs of Authenticity: Documentation justifying the product's authenticity and provenance.

  • Associated Files: Any additional documentation or information.

  • Attributed Properties: Additional details such specific product features, etc.

  • Product Location: Information on the storage or availability location of the product.

Redemption Options

The seller can choose between two types of redemption for the PNFT:

  • Default Redemption: In this case, the Seller commits to sending the physical product to the Buyer via a delivery service of their choice once the redemption is activated by the buyer.

  • Optional Redemption: If this option is selected, the Buyer may choose to keep the pNFT without taking physical possession of the product. In this scenario, the Seller is responsible for the custody and preservation of the product's condition. Custody fees may be imposed by the Seller for this service.

Seller's Responsibilities

By creating a pNFT, the seller agrees to:

  • Ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of the provided information.

  • Maintain custody and condition of the product when optional redemption is chosen.

  • Transfer the physical ownership of the product to the buyer in case of redemption.

Our platform facilitates the exchange of high-value products by alleviating the constraints associated with their physical possession, while ensuring maximum security and transparency for both parties. By participating in this process, sellers and buyers commit to respecting these terms for an optimal experience.

Last updated