Quality Control Report for Sold Items on Galileo Marketplace

Upon completing a transaction, Buyers have the option to request that Sellers send their product to Galileo for a compliance check as part of the redemption process. This ensures that the item matches the provided description and meets the buyer's expectations. Buyers can select this option at their discretion to guarantee the quality and authenticity of their purchase.

If the buyer does not select this option, Galileo reserves the right to randomly select transactions where the seller will be required to ship the product to Galileo for a compliance check. This step is taken to maintain the integrity of our platform and ensure that all items meet our high standards for quality and description accuracy.

The inspection covers:

  • Item condition as described in the Product Listing and pNFT description

  • Color accuracy

  • Correct sizing

  • Compliance with our catalog rules, such as counterfeit or non-compliant items.

If you receive a quality control report during a sale, it indicates discrepancies between the item (and/or its accessories like packaging, straps, etc.) and the initial listing's photos and description.

A quality control report will be issued to inform you about:

  • Description Inconsistencies: Any deviations from the pNFT description will be noted. Depending on the report details, the buyer may choose to proceed with the transaction or cancel for a full refund.

  • Order Cancellation: If the item violates our catalog rules, the sale will be canceled, and the buyer fully refunded. Both parties will receive a quality control report explaining the cancellation reason.

The report includes:

  • Photographs highlighting the observed discrepancies

  • A description of the identified variance

  • The discrepancy's significance, if applicable

This information is also shared with the buyer, who has 72 hours to decide whether to continue with the transaction or cancel for a full refund. If there's no response within 72 hours, the sale is automatically canceled.

In Case of Order Cancellation After a Quality Control Report:

You may choose to:

  • Return the Item: You will be responsible for all return-related duties and taxes.

  • Allow Galileo to Relist the Item: We'll securely store the item, update your listing, and take new photos if necessary.

By participating in the Galileo Marketplace, sellers agree to these terms, ensuring transparency and fairness in the transaction process.

Last updated