Delivering your items

Sellers are responsible for packaging and delivering their sold items to buyers. If you're using a delivery or fulfilment service, please keep in mind that you are ultimately responsible for making sure that your buyers receive their orders.

When you sell on Galileo Marketplace, you agree to:

  1. Provide an accurate "warehouse" address, and select it during the listing of the product.

  2. Dispatch items promptly after they are sold. Prompt delivery entails dispatching each item within 2 days of purchase, unless otherwise specified as processing time in the item description or agreed upon with the buyer through emails with in cc.

  3. Sellers are responsible for ensuring that deliveries reach buyers within 15 days from the order creation date.

  4. Prior to updating your processing time as a specific order status, you must first obtain consent from the buyer.

  5. Adhere to all local and international delivery and customs regulations.

  6. Ship the order to the address specified in the order details for that particular order, and include any relevant physical certificates of authenticity, if applicable.

  7. The order must be packed and delivered with consideration for its fragility or nature. In the event of any damages occurring during transportation or due to misplacement of objects, the seller will be held responsible and required to refund the amount to the buyers.

  8. Mark the order as "Shipped" when it is "Shipped". Remember that you may only mark an order as "Shipped" after it has actually been "Shipped". When you mark an order as "Shipped", the buyer will receive a notification.

  9. Once the item delivery is confirmed from the shipping carrier it is the sellers responsibility to update the status of the order to "Delivered", since this time will the 14 day return period of the buyer starts. Please note that marking the order as "Delivered" is a one time action and cannot be undone, hence performing it before the actual delivery will result in violation of the seller policy and Galileo might take strict actions under those circumstances

  10. By entering tracking information or delivery confirmation on Galileo, you are granting us permission to collect and share this data received from your chosen delivery company with the buyer.

In the rare instance that an order fails to arrive, ensure you have valid proof of dispatch ready. Valid proof of dispatch must demonstrate that the item was indeed dispatched and sent to the address provided by the buyer on Galileo Marketplace. Should a buyer not receive their order, they have the option to report it to Galileo.

However, rest assured that Galileo provides assistance for sellers who meet the criteria for the Galileo Purchase Protection programme for sellers.

Last updated