Order status

Order statuses serve as a means of informing buyers about the status of their orders. Sellers have the ability to modify these statuses, which are visible to buyers on their Activity Dashboard page.

By participating as a seller on Galileo Marketplace, you consent to promptly updating the order status and adhering to the following rules:

  1. Order Placed: The order status will automatically be set to "Order Placed" as soon as the item is purchased.

  2. Shipping: When the item is ready and the seller is preparing the order for dispatch, the status should be changed to "Shipping."

  3. Dispatched: Once the items are set out for shipping and picked up by the shipping carrier, the status needs to be updated to "Dispatched."

  4. Delivered: Upon confirmation of item delivery by the shipping carrier, mark the order as "Delivered". This is a one time action, once the status is set to delivered, it cannot be undone. Hence, marking as delivered, without the confirmation of delivery will be considered an unethical action.

  5. Canceled: If the order is canceled, the status will automatically be set to "Cancelled" by the system.

  6. Request Return: When a return is requested by the buyer, the status will be automatically set to "Request Return" by the system.

  7. Processing Return: While processing a return, set the status to "Processing Return."

  8. Returned and Refunded: Once the return is complete and the refund is issued, update the status to "Returned and Refunded."

Last updated