Shipping costs and taxes

Shipping Costs

Galileo offers sellers the option to charge shipping costs to buyers when purchasing items, with the following choices available during item listing:

  1. Free Shipping: Sellers can choose to waive the shipping cost for their items and provide free shipping to buyers.

  2. Flat Rate Shipping: Sellers can set a specific flat rate for shipping each item. If multiple copies of an item are purchased, the seller can configure whether to charge the flat rate per item or once overall.

  3. Carrier Calculated Shipping (CCS): This feature calculates the shipping cost based on provided dimensions, weight, warehouse address, and buyer address. Sellers should input the package dimensions rather than the exact item dimensions.

Please note the following regarding CCS:

  • CCS is currently in the beta stage, and the calculated shipping amount may differ from the actual postage charges during dispatch.

  • It's recommended to use the overage feature with CCS, allowing sellers to collect a percentage over the actual calculated shipping amount.

  • Sellers are responsible for providing an accurate warehouse address for CCS to calculate shipping costs as precisely as possible.

  • In cases where CCS fails to predict the shipping charge, the seller can choose to sell the item at a flat rate shipping or decide not to proceed with selling.

  • Shipping costs are held in escrow until the lockup period ends. In case of disputes, the resolu


Galileo calculates taxes based on the buyer's location and the registered address of the brand. The tax amount collected is also held in escrow until the lockup period ends.

Sellers have the ability to download a comprehensive report containing details of processed orders, including pricing, tax, shipping amounts collected, and other relevant information.

Last updated