Being a member of the Galileo Community

At Galileo Marketplace, we uphold a culture of mutual respect among all members of our community. As a seller, you have additional responsibilities to protect personal information and maintain timely communication with buyers to ensure a positive customer experience.

  1. Creating and uploading content As a member of Galileo Marketplace, you have the opportunity to create and upload various types of content, including listings, status, text, photos, and videos. To maintain a safe and respectful community, you agree not to upload content that:

    • Contains hateful or derogatory language or imagery, or violates our Anti-Discrimination and Hate Speech Policy;

    • Includes threats, harassment, extortion, or interferes with other members;

    • Infringes upon someone else’s intellectual property rights;

    • Is false, deceptive, or misleading;

    • Contains unsolicited advertising, promotions, requests for donations, or spam;

    • Discloses private information, whether personal or belonging to others;

    • Encourages or facilitates a transaction that bypasses the Galileo checkout process;

    • Makes prohibited medical drug claims;

    • Sexualizes minors under the age of 18;

    Members are prohibited from using Galileo services, such as Statuses, or Product listings, to inappropriately utilize otherwise compliant content, whether explicitly or through contextualization. This includes aggregating content with the intention of sexualizing minors.

  2. Privacy and Protecting Personal Information As a seller on Galileo Marketplace, you have a responsibility to safeguard the personal information of our members that you receive or process. This entails compliance with all relevant legal requirements, including data protection and privacy laws governing the use of user information on Galileo. These laws may necessitate the posting and adherence to your own privacy policy, which must be accessible to Galileo users with whom you interact.

    In particular, when utilizing our Services for selling (subject to this Policy), you may encounter and make decisions regarding certain personal information, such as when engaging with users and conducting transactions with buyers. This means you handle personal information (e.g., buyer name, email address, and delivery address), and to the extent you do so, under EU law, you function as an independent controller of data concerning other users obtained through the Services. For comprehensive insights into the General Data Protection Regulation, refer to resources available at and

    As a data controller (someone who determines what personal data is collected and its intended purpose), you may be obligated under applicable data protection and privacy laws to comply with requests received from users for data access, portability, correction, deletion, and objections to processing. Additionally, if you disclose personal information without the proper consent of the buyer, you are liable for that unauthorized disclosure, including inadvertent data breaches.

    For example, you may acquire a buyer’s email address or other information through a transaction. This information should only be utilized for Galileo-related communications or transactions facilitated by Galileo. Using this information for unsolicited commercial messages or unauthorized transactions is prohibited without the buyer’s consent and adherence to other applicable Galileo policies and laws. You may not add any Galileo member to your email or physical mailing list, use the buyer’s identity for marketing purposes, or obtain or retain any payment information without the buyer’s consent. It's essential to understand the standard of consent required in any given instance.

    In the event that Galileo and you are deemed joint data controllers of personal information, and if Galileo faces legal action, fines, or expenses due to your actions as a joint data controller of buyer personal information, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Galileo (and its employees, agents, consultants, subsidiaries, partners, affiliates, and licensors) harmless against any claims, costs, losses, damages, liabilities, judgments, and expenses (including reasonable lawyer fees) associated with your processing of buyer personal information.

  3. Communication Standards

    1. Order statuses and additional notes

      Galileo's order status feature enables brands to update the status of orders and add additional notes for buyers or other Galileo members. It serves as a convenient platform for sellers to inform about the progress of the orders or any additional information related to their purchase.

      Order statuses must not be utilized for the following purposes:

      1. Sending unsolicited advertising or promotions, requests for donations, or spam; Harassing or abusing another member, or violating our Anti-Discrimination Policy;

      2. Continuing to contact someone after they have explicitly requested no further communication;

      3. Interfering with a transaction or the operations of another member;

      4. Exchanging personal contact, financial, or other information to circumvent the checkout process on Galileo. This includes sharing phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, social media handles, external URLs, instructions for money transfer, etc.

    2. Harassment and Discrimination

      1. The use of Status updates and additional notes to harass other members or promote discrimination is strictly prohibited. Messages must not be employed to endorse or glorify hatred or any form of discrimination. If you encounter a Message that violates this policy, please report it to us promptly.

      2. Communicating Cancellations

        In the event that you cannot fulfill a transaction, you are required to inform Galileo via email, the buyer via updating Order Status and cancel the Galileo will help you cancel the order. If the buyer has already made payment, a full refund must be issued including any shipping and taxes involved. For more information visit Refunds and dispute resolution.

      3. European Union Right of Withdrawal

        Buyers within the European Union (EU), as well as in the UK, may have a 14-day "right of withdrawal" after receiving an item, during which they can return the item for any reason or no reason at all. The specifics of this right vary by EU member state or in the UK, and certain exemptions may apply, such as custom items or perishable goods.

        Please note that in addition to this return policy, each country has its own regulations regarding delivery, cancellations, returns, and exchanges. It's important to familiarise yourself with the laws of your own country as well as those of your buyers' countries.

Last updated